Dr. Sylvain Laborde
Dr. Sylvain Laborde

Dr. Sylvain Laborde – Psicologo, ricercatore, docente presso l’Università Tedesca dello Sport di Colonia – Sviluppatore del metodo di allenamento mentale FORTITUTE Mental Training – Il mio interesse principale: la massima prestazione sotto pressione

Disponibili qui per l’acquisto

FORTITUDE Mental Training is based on the Vagal Tank Theory, and received already several awards for the research behind and its applications FEPSAC European Federation of Sport Psychology, German Sport University Cologne, DAAD and “Ma thèse en 180s-CNRS”.


Sylvain consults since more than 10 years with athletes, coaches, clubs (any sports), and work organizations, helping people to achieve peak performance under pressure, with specific interventions based on FORTITUDE Mental Training and his research on heart rate variability and emotional intelligence.


Sylvain obtained his PhD in a joint supervision between the German Sport University Cologne and the University of Caen – Normandie in France. He received a Young Investigator Award from the European Association for Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) for his PhD work. He has a Master in Psychology and a Master in Sport Sciences from the University of Caen-Normandie.


Sylvain’s research focuses on two main topics constituting the grounds of FORTITUDE Mental Training: heart rate variability (HRV) as a self-regulation indicator, and emotional intelligence/competences as a promising adaptive personality individual difference. He‘s an international keynote speaker in four languages (French, English, Spanish, German) and was already invited to give talks and workshops in more than 15 countries and on the five continents.


Big fan of cycling and running, hiking in the mountains, playing music with his band Enalkil, learning languages, and travelling the world.